My whole world is shaken,
I don't care if it is the Codex!
How do I tell her?
It's unfair to send her out
But then, what's been fair?
While I sit and I watch
No, it's my duty to protect her,
If the Master wants blood,
Disclaimer- I own the poem and my brain ,for everything else, praise
Joss the Almighty!
Some of Giles' thoughts during Prophecy Girl.
In every sense.
I stand amidst the ruins
Of my stacks.
How can this be true?
How could such a Slayer
Fall to the night?
Do I tell her?
How can I not?
What if it's wrong?
Unknowing, unprepared.
Yet knowing, she may decide
She can't fight fate.
A 16 year old holding the world's fate
In her delicate, trembling hands?
A child fending off the oldest evils.
(I'm good at that)
Pronounce the sentence, pat her head
And send her to annihilation?
From destiy itself if need be.
I would enter the gates of hell for her.
Well, that is what I'd be doing, isn't it.
He can take mine and choke.
I'll kill him before I let him touch her.
Even if it means my death.