"Okay, Buffy, there's something I have to tell you," Xander said with a deep breath as he began to pace back and forth in the room. "I know I told you this a long time ago, but that was then, and this is now, and times have changed…at least I hope so."
"See the thing is, I - I…" he paused, closed his eyes, and his fingers fell to his chin, almost as if he were trying to get his jaw to work properly. "I - I might as well let you know that…well, that I'm in love with you."
He paused for the reaction, upon seeing none, he continued, "I tell myself constantly that I should stop…that I have to move on. And although I know I should…Buff…I can't because of you… you're the one I want. God knows that I don't even deserve your recognition of me, but as much as I try…as much as I force myself to look away…be away, I always have to return because you're always there when I return.
Xander exhaled deeply and his eyes darted to the ceiling in contemplation as to what he wanted to say to her next, "Just tell me, Buffy, tell me that the answer I got before isn't the same as it is today?"
(That was easy, ) thought Xander as he sat down on the edge of his bed, (now, If only I can actually say it to her face…)